Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eggs - Maria Robinson

The lone egg from her 45 year old ovaries along with Chris's 30 year old energetic sperm had created Maddy's miracle baby. Still unamed, swaddled in rose colored blankets, Baby of Mama Yoga Teacher and Major Piece of Work, lay snoozing in Maddy's arms. Still unknown by her father, Baby of Young virile hunk Has Not found Path in Life and Last Chance Older East Coast Woman moved to Santa Fe stirred gently, clenching her fists and drifted off again.

1 comment:

  1. I just love what you do with the CAPS in this one! Baby of Mama Yoga Teacher and Major Piece of Work - that is so great! All of it is really. And I love ending on the image of the baby. Wonderful!
