Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dirty Laudry - Rebecca Link

All I know is after settling out of court I am not allowed to say anything negative about the people who were involved. For instance, if one of the people did drugs and drank alcohol in a public place and made out with a man who was not her husband, I could not tell you that. I also could not tell you she was a liar and very fat. I couldn’t say she waddled when she walked and if her husband had any sense what so ever he should be out of there!

The last thing I would not tell you is she even left her kids for this bum and got a tattoo on her arm with his name on it that she later had to have removed because even the bum was smart enough to get away from her. The only good thing I could say is cows look beautiful standing next to her! MOO!

1 comment:

  1. I love the mean-spiritedness of this! The sneaky way the narrator gets to bad mouth the woman. It's so much fun. You just want this narrator to be your new best friend!
