Friday, May 14, 2010

What Was Beautiful - Shonna Anderson

What was beautiful was the way that the light played off the ocean. I’ve always loved the way the sunlight makes everything look in the afternoon. There’s a softness to it that bathes everything in a glow. It’s as though everything is soft around the edges. At the time I was lost in my thoughts, but the beauty of the afternoon light was something that even in that depressed state I couldn’t deny. I looked out at the waves crashing on the shore with the little beads of sunlight dancing on the surface and felt a small sense of peace. My world was not completely cold and grey, I could still sense the beauty in the afternoon. My favorite time of the day still captivated me, still stirred my soul.


  1. There's just such lovely description here! I love the idea of softness, the beads of sunlight on the water. You capture it perfectly!

  2. This is a perfect insight into the feeling of getting out of your own head and depressed thoughts just long enough to see light and beauty in something as simple as the lowering sun on what is otherwise just another day. Beautiful!
