Friday, February 5, 2010

If I Only Had Time - Darlene Nelson

Oh, if only I had time in the palm of my hand – what a gift! I could turn back the clock and do so many things over, a different way, a different out-come. I would be wiser – knowing not everyone who seemed to be my friend would be. I would know, from a youthful age that you cannot judge a book by its cover and people come in many covers. Some are old and tattered, some strikingly beautiful, others are the in-between never really knowing what shelf to rest upon. All are worthwhile. I would know to engage people of different cultures in conversation: something can be learned from everyone. I would know that, even from people that hurt me, the difference to my life would be remembering the good. I would know that the harshest people would teach me the toughest lessons – to better myself, to have a greater conscience. I would know to ignore the critics – wear a red wedding dress – (they do in China, you know), listen to 70’s disco hits blaring loud, and eat the frosting leaving the cake behind. Tick Tock. It is never too late.

1 comment:

  1. I love the book metaphor in this one - always a tricky thing to pull off, but you absolutely do it! I love also all the concrete details you give us at the end... the red wedding dress, the 70s disco, the cake frosting. Really wonderful.
