Sunday, May 3, 2009

Get a Life - Anne Wright

I really need to get a life, not one of those one-size-fits-all like I have right now, but something custom-made for the person I have become. My old life just doesn’t fit any more. It’s been confining. The other day I reached and the seams split open, spilling out some of the dead old stuffing of responsibilities and cares that I’d held onto, but were not of my own choice. When I swept them up and put them into the trash, I discovered that I was lighter, free, not bogged down. That’s when it occurred to me that I’d be better off with a complete overhaul.

Guilt was the next to go. I did want to hold onto some of the old ones, and I must say it was difficult, but I did discard each glob I could scrape away. I was hand-over-fist with the inner critic, grabbing and shredding, stuffing it down into the garbage can. Worries never did me any good, either. Out they go. I found some dots of resentments and suspicions and used a sharp knife to cut them away. I found that the self-destructive behavior could be recycled, turned inside out to become the much more energy-saving constructive behavior, so good for the environment.

No space for heavy unhappy, I’m firm with light elation, with room for a new life.


  1. Wonderful images in this one! I love the idea of guilt coming in globs. And I really like 'firm with light elation.' Nice!

  2. This really grabbed me and I was captivated and drawn into the piece. I really enjoyed it.
