Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cleaning-Up - Maria Robinson

Martha on Dr. Bergman's couch:

Dr. B: So. Martha. We're here.

M: Not that I want to be here. But finding myself here again makes me feel like a failure.

B: You're to continue becoming who you really want to be.

M: But. Dead end again. Married 7 years, the twins, a career in art and I'm back at my mother's. At my eternally monumental mother's house. For God's sake, we're staying in the next door apartment and that and Daddy bought 20 years ago. She came all the way to London to get me and the boys.

B: How did London happen?

M: Impossibly handsome Brit, a real comer in the art world. In fact, a brilliant success.
We clicked at first, like two alphas, bent on conquering it all. I moved to London to work with him. Mother,of course, owned an a two flat in Chelsea, so we took the entire house.
Sean loved Mother for making his life so easy and making it seem like he got a good "deal" with me.

B; When did you know it wasn't working?

M: I guess at the wedding. All he talked about were his upcoming sales and the receptions that I would need to host. I guess, I thought I was going to become a famous art maven/wife. A step up from my Art History degree. working in the ever so devilish New York Art market.

B: What do you miss?

M: Isn't my time up? I just can't handle the clean up right now.

1 comment:

  1. I love this format - just giving us the dialogue. It's a bit of a departure for you, yet you pull it off beautifully. Fabulous last exchange! btw, I also loved your Kitchen Sink piece, very difficult to choose between them.
