Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cleaning-Up - Kent Wright

The den smelled like the same sour mix of the perfumes, which Leanne had tried to dilute in the two back bedrooms by opening all the windows to the light November frost. Picking up wine glasses, coke cans and beer bottles had a made nice dent in cleaning up the leavings left about by the six couples that had been there. She let the familiar pleasure of bringing order back push aside the inevitable sorting through of the weekend’s event that Ray would want to do. She knew that she had not been thrilled with the couples she and Ray had drawn for the Private Home Event lottery down at their swinger’s clubhouse. The past two days had felt more like the slow grind of a two-day college exam with room rotations announced buzzer blast than the unique intimate swinger experience envisioned by the events committee.

1 comment:

  1. This one is so much fun, because it's so unexpected. I love the idea of the swingers' weekend being more like the slow grind of a tw-day college exam. And I love the detail of the sour mix of perfumes - that captures the mood perfectly!
