Friday, January 8, 2010

She Was Very, Very Bad - Maria Robinson

Back in Sante Fe, under the desert night stars, Chris was sobbing in the bed next to Vera about Maddy.

Maddy, the forty-five year old owner of the Yoga shala and Chris's boss, the divine Maddy, the tantric Maddy, the multi-divorced and
young man magnet Maddy, had fallen into an affair with Chris during Vera's hiatus and found herself fully woman, meaning fully pregnant by Chris.

Maddy had publicly declared the coming of the miraculous child at the Reiki Outreach session last week accepting belly blesssings from all in attendance.
A Fertility Celebration Session was planned with Maddy and the infertile women in her Earth Surrounding workshop.

And finally, Maddy has decided on a "Men's connection with Universal Growth and Passion" session, head by Chris, announcing him the father of her child.

Maddy was very very bad or very very something else, accordingly to your rank in the Yoga Shala.

Crying into Vera's arms, Chris said" Vera, if you hadn't left, if I'd been ready for you..."

1 comment:

  1. I continue to love the spare way you tell this story. You choose your language very deliberately, every word works to give us character and motivation, and there's nothing extraneous. In spite of myself, I'm also seduced by Maddy here. She's fascinating.
