Thursday, September 24, 2009

Leaving Home - Vicki Rubini

Darling! I’m here! By the spidery gates
Lit by the barbecued skies.
I’m dressed to the nines – do I not look divine?
In black pearls by Chanel
In Sumptuaries’ hell?

For Promethean pride in my sartorial side,
I dress and redress my wrongs.
The Fork Guy points to the closet Dior.
Silky satins or sable jackets?
Sequined train or studded jacket?
Egret boa – a bit egregious?
Fringed sari? Don’t be facetious.
I’m fat in that, just like the Versace,
And Puntis laugh at my three-legged Puccis.

The Gucci’s not bad….
The Devil loves fads…
I look hot, don’t you think?
Glamorous, chic -
That’s all that I seek!

It’s not quite right. In this eternal night,
In vanity’s flight,
To my closet I go….
In stilettos I stumble,
The boxes I tumble.
Crumbling under the weight
Of my greed driven fate.

A fashion faux pas
The least of God’s laws


  1. This one just knocked me out! It's a complete wordfest that demands to be read aloud. Just a fabulous use of language - AND you made it rhyme! The tone - dark, comic - is also perfect, and perfectly rendered.

  2. The wordfest is great, indeed. It's a seamless picture of modern vanity without the finger wagging, just the boxes tumbling and crumbling.
