Thursday, October 15, 2009

Laughing Until You Cry - Katie Burke

I walked into the room, and your smile increased as your eyes kept twinkling. You had a hug for me, and our bodies pressed together so perfectly, so warmly, so evenly. You told a joke that only I would understand, and I laughed until I cried.

It has been three years and 11 months since I’ve felt that hug or heard that joke. I laughed until I cried, and then I noticed the crying kept going and the laughing had long since stopped. You were funny, but you weren’t very nice. I just didn’t want to cry anymore.

It’s been nice not crying, but I still think of your laugh. Your twinkle. Your smile. You’re the one who got away, thank god, and now I’m back to laughing again.

1 comment:

  1. Nice repetition in this one of the themes of laughing & crying (and of the words themselves) - it's almost of poem, which might be interesting to try. In fact the entire piece has a kind of poetic rhythm to it, that feels new for you. Interesting to see how your writing has developed & changed.
