Sunday, April 5, 2009

Guilt - Anne Wright

Where did I go wrong? I searched my memory for that point, the exact moment when I chose the path that led me to my sad and sorry state, but can’t determine it because I have always done the wrong thing, my entire life. I am guilty.

I stayed in bed instead of getting up right away to feed my cat and let her out. Then when I got up I didn’t brush my teeth for over two hours after having cereal and coffee. I told my dental hygienist that I floss twice a day every day, which is a lie.
I drove faster than the speed limit and swore, though under my breath at the idiots that I have to share the road with. I interrupted my friend when she was talking, parked my car so it stuck out into a driveway, dripped gasoline on the side of the car and didn’t wipe it off, dropped a gum wrapper on the ground and left it there, trimmed my nails with the big scissors in my desk drawer, left a damp towel on the bathroom floor, put two bottles of wine back on the grocery shelf where they didn’t belong, turned off a DVD movie before I had watched the whole thing even though I had paid for it, fake smiled at the clerk in the drug store, did not go to the gym again for the second week in a row, discarded food into the garbage disposal when the water company has told me it is bad for the environment, left the heater on in the house all day when I am not home, charged another book on my credit card, and I can’t forget this, purchased an espresso machine that I only have used a few times and haven’t gotten my money’s worth, didn’t return a phone call knowing that it would cause an irate reaction in that person, I spent too much time thinking about writing this, and I went back and edited it, too.


  1. I love how you write about all the small ways we make ourselves feel guilty. The rhythm of this is just wonderful - the way it builds and builds until we get to that fabulous last phrase.

  2. Love the way you strung together all the little moments in life that we fret over. Great button! (closing line) I love a great ending.
