Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Big Mistake - Judy Albietz

I’m no hero, Lily thought. She knew she needed to quit crying and pull herself together. She’d tried to stop. But every time she’d looked out at the strange landscape of this alien future world, the tears would start all over again. Slowly she was realizing that it was true—she really was very very far from her home. Her thoughts were interrupted by the soft growly voice of Sam, the not-normal sweet telepathic dog who saved her life. “Lily, I am so sorry that you are so sad. I will keep you safe. I will try to find a way to get you back home.”

Lily wanted to bury her head in the thick fur of this enormous hairy dog. She wanted to believe that Sam would take care of everything. He would have to, since there wasn’t anyone else around to help. Only the two of them stuck on a rocky ledge. She lifted her head and stared at the steep granite cliff behind them. Yes, that’s the trouble right there. There’s no way I’m gonna climb up the face of those rocks. I’m definitely not a rock climber, never will be. I have no survival skills. She started to cry again. Sam wouldn’t be able to carry me, either, unless for some reason he could fly. That thought made her laugh out loud in between her gulping sobs. Sam gave her a questioning look, cocking his head to the side.

I didn’t sign up for this, she thought, now angry. Yes, that’s the problem, they picked the wrong girl. Sam said this all has to do with a broken time machine. Like I’m going to know how to fix something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Really wonderful reflective writing here! You're always very good at getting inside your characters' heads & this is no exception. I love also the idea of Lily having self-doubts, makes her all the more human & 3-dimensional.
