Friday, December 11, 2009

The Man in the Wooden Hat - Camilla Basham

The revelation of his cheating haunted her. Daydreams of sexual abandon infused her thoughts and the thing was, no on understand whom he really was. She, alone, knew this and had instinctively seized every nook and cranny of his awareness. She had made him laugh and he wanted her, but she was gone.

The plan came to her on the Saturday just as the Cochon de Lait Parade took to the streets, lead by a the Lucky Lumber Company float featuring, among other things, a man in a wooden hat riding a saw horse on wheels.

She had just finished sitting for the Thomason’s tot for twenty bucks and had accosted the mailman to see if there was at least a word from him. There was nothing more than a pamphlet from the Acme Siding Company of America inquiring into her home improvement needs.

At least they cared enough to write.

1 comment:

  1. Always something unexpected from you! Always an original and fascinating tone. Fabulous details in this one. And a really terrific last line - it's just so world-weary and snide. I love it.
