Friday, October 1, 2010

A Secret Life - Barbara Jordan

" I wish I were more incendiary."

"Tell me about the dream, "he replied. His eyes were lazy,
like a southern drawl and the early light played with his grey whiskers. He looked like Grizzly Adams ready to go outside and chop some wood. He smelled like smoke and peat moss.

"I was standing in a parking lot, yelling at these people carrying big signs that said, "Global Warming is a Hoax." I was so mad ! then I noticed I was actually standing there naked. "


"Shut up…. Then I got scared, so I reached in my oversized purse and grabbed a handful of condoms and threw them at the crowd. "

"You've been working at Planned Parenthood to long. " his voice trailed off as he stared at my naked body under the sheet.

"I wish I were more like that Jet Blue Man at JFK recently---ya know-- activate the emergency system, grab two beers, say "FUCK YOU", and jump. But what do I do instead? I posted some lame comment on Facebook, all calm and reasonable, not inflammatory at all. Besides, I'd probably land in the dumpster outside my office anyway. "


  1. I really enjoyed all your writing this week. I chose this one because I love the opening line, and I love how much I know about these people just from the dialogue. And what fabulous dialogue it is! Really terrific!

  2. I too loved being drawn in immediately. In so few words, I got so many images: the lovers, the situation, the frustration, silly and pissed at the same time. She's wanting to do something big in response to the craziness of the world, but thinking luck will just make a mockery of her...
