Friday, December 3, 2010

Going South - Judy Albietz

Not yet two years old. Too young to understand. The Blue Monkeys say I am the one. The next dog to be the time traveler. The last one is dead. Accident. They pull me away from my mother, father, brothers and sisters. No one asks me if I want to do it. My job. Not much training required. The collar links me to the Time Portal. Take off in one direction only—the Past. To some event which has been illegally changed. You see, time can be thrown off its track. Derailed. When that happens I go back in time to repair, to put things back the way they should be. A rip in time puts someone in danger. I rescue them. How does the time line get damaged? Someone from somewhere in the Future travels back in time. They are not careful. They break all the rules. They make an impact. Change events. As a result, people can die.

Lonely. My family is dead. So are my friends. The Time Portal stops my body from aging. No longer a natural part of my world. The people I rescue can never remember me. But now my life is different. Ever since I met Lily. After she was thrown into the Time Portal with me. She asks so many questions. My head hurts. I love being with her. I need to be right next to her. Protect her. Never let her out of my sight.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're experimenting with this different voice, this different consciousness. First, because it opens up new realms of imagination. And second, because it's an intriguing voice. Really nice stuff!
